We live in an era of constantly changing electronics. We are surrounded by radio waves. Just like air pollution there is energy pollution that can effect your health and well being. Our bodies absorb frequencies and very often can be overloaded with vibrational static.
I have been in the personal inquiry around this as I often feel technology steals my time and energy. It is so easy to waste away the hours of time sitting in front of the TV or surfing the internet. I notice when I use my elliptical machine with the TV on that I go much slower and do not burn as many calories as when I have silence or music on. Listening to different styles of music also affects overall performance. Listening with earphones also slows me down.
Can this also effect our performance in every day life? I know when I personally spend time without much exposure to electronics that I am full of vitality and have endless energy. When I do my seasonal cleanses I also cleanse myself mentally and energetically by not watching TV or by using my computer or phone as little as possible. Each year this is more of a challenge to do as TV, computers, smart phones, and other electronics have become such an integral part of life.
What about eating in front of the computer or TV? Can this effect metabolism and digestion? According to eastern medicine your focus should be on the process of eating, chewing and savoring your food without distractions for proper digestion and assimilation. I have also noticed that if I check my email or get on the computer before I go to bed that I have trouble falling asleep and get less sleep in general.
Technology is suppose to save time but it actually takes time. Of course this is all part of the evolution of life. It all gets back to having a sense of balance. To find that balance I suggest leaving time in the day to enjoy the simple things. To experience moments that take your breath away. Get out for a walk and leave your cell phone at home. Take time to connect to nature, and view the natural environment that god has bestowed upon us. Close your eyes and look within to connect to your personal wisdom and acknowledge the beauty of who you are. Try to give yourself a break from TV one day a week. Find peace within silence. Experience the balance between simple living and the high tech world.