About Me

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I have an art degree from Rhode Island school of Design. My visual arts background has expanded into the healing and transformational arts. I am a life/spiritual coach and wellness consultant. I have walked the shaman's path. I practice and teach Eastern and Energy Medicine, Shiatsu, Massage and Yoga. It is my experience that the power of touch and movement can access ones heart, soul, inner truth, unique expression and creativity which is a vehicle to living a joyful and fulfilling life. My blog will include my poetry, photographs, art, insights, experiences and suggestions for living a life that you love! If you are new to this site, please review my older submissions as well as the new ones for they all contain information and concepts that I wish to share and keep alive.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Dreams Transformed Into Reality

Painting by George Teshu

As human beings we have the unique ability to be inspired and create. We are in charge of creating our lives one day at a time. Dreams for the future are thoughts, ideas and imaginings that you inspire to create for yourself and others. Your imagined thought process is projected into the future as a goal. One of the laws of the universe is that energy follows intention. If you truly believe in your dream, energy will be set in motion to help manifest it.

You must also be committed and invested on all levels to transform your dreams into reality. Physically you must take action to work towards a goal. You need to set a time-line for accomplishing certain steps and be responsible for follow through. Emotionally you must feel deserving of stepping into the dream that you have created. It takes mental planning, personal energy to move forward and spiritual inspiration to guide you on your journey.

Dream box by Karen Malcolm

If all aspects of your being is involved in the process you are much more likely to succeed. Celebrate each achievement no matter how small. Focus but do not over focus. Find a balance in-between.  Remember you can keep recreating your dreams anew as you take steps forward. Always be open to new possibilities that come your way in the process.


The Universe provides many opportunities to assist us in living a life we love. Often these opportunities pass us by because we are too focused to see them. Be committed but not attached to a specific goal. Tunnel vision does not always serve the higher good. In the shamanic realm of teaching we honor the eagle for giving us the bird’s eye view of life. This is the ability to look at the bigger picture to see all perspectives along with a specific goal. Remember from time to time to take a step back to reassess, fine tune and refocus your dreams. Life and reality is in constant flux so hopes and dreams will also change over time. Once you reach a goal, enjoy, celebrate and continue to recreate more dreams into reality.

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